dinsdag 29 maart 2016

Keith Law - the path

~~~random best~~~

Keith Law - the path
album: the path (2015)

A wonderful Buddist song 

The Path
(Keith Law)

Someone once said to me
that nothing stays forever
No state of mind, stays good or bad
but it could, if we were together

Someone once said to me
have you seen the deep insight
life is endless, make it right
things will change throughout your life

I'd like to take you with me now
and I hope that it will last
I'd like to take you along a road
and it's called the path
I'd like to take you with me now
so don't think about the past
I'd like to take you along a road
and it's called the path
and it's called the path

Someone once said to me
make the right decision
I said that I can only tell
when I know I have the wisdom

Someone once said to me
you can have enlightenment
Nirvana is where we step
when it's like deep meditation

I'd like to take you with me now
and  I hope that it will last
I'd like to take you along a road
and it's called the path
I'd like to take you with me now
so don't think about the past
I'd like to take you along a road
and it's called the path
and it's called the path
yes, it's called the path

Words & Music.Copyright©Keith Law.2014

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